Real AdBlock Extension
Most of the popular Adblock extensions like AdBlock or AdBlock Plus actually doesn’t provide full protection of ads. They started their way to promising this ideology, but after 2015 they became part of ridicilious Acceptable Ads Program, which basically means that you will still see some ads even if you use these extensions. I am sure you have already experienced this before. The reason behind this issue is the above Adblock extensions either purchased by advertisement agencies or they are getting paid by them. Yeah, I know this is annoying, but no worries. I have good news for you. I found a perfect AdBlock extension (at least for now) that blocks every advertisement. Its name is UBlock Origin. It is compatible with almost all web browsers. To get more info about it, you can visit UBlock Origin Wiki page.
If you want to learn more about the subject, you can see this amazing Medium post.
I hope this will help!